

All donations, no matter how large or small, make a difference
The Bert Weeks Memorial Gardens and Fountain
The Bert Weeks Memorial Gardens and Fountain

Since 1999, the WECF has made community investments of over $630,000 to create and sustain this beautiful waterfront space.



To build a better Windsor-Essex community, the Foundation works with donors to build legacy funds. Donors can make gifts to existing funds or establish their own fund within the community foundation.

What makes the WECF unique from other charities is that we don’t spend your donation. Instead, your gift is held in perpetuity and only the interest earned from its investment is used to grant back to the community. This means that your donation becomes your legacy. Your one-time gift will forever remain part of the WECF, guaranteeing future gift-giving today and tomorrow.

Your gift can be directed toward an existing fund, used to establish a new fund, directed immediately to a community charity through a flow-through, or directed to one of our many programs. The foundation is happy to assist you in your gift-giving options. To understand the tax advantages for each gift type, both present and future gifts, contact us.

Team in green planting trees


The WindsorEssex Community Foundation works closely with individuals, their professional advisors and businesses to facilitate charitable giving. One of the many ways donors can support their community is by establishing an endowment fund within the foundation. For a donor, creating a legacy fund is a way to show support for their community and the causes they care about, now and in the future. For the community, a legacy fund provides continual assistance for programs and services that promote and sustain a strong community.

The Foundation offers several types of funds, each designed to present something different to our donors that will suit their philanthropic objectives.

Establishing a fund at the WECF is an excellent alternative to creating a private foundation, cutting down on expensive overhead costs and benefiting from the foundation’s qualified and trusted investment team. It ensures your legacy continues on for generations to come.

Establishing a fund at the WECF is a very simple and straightforward process.
Get Started




Antonio Arlotta Fund

Art & Helen Scott Memorial Fund

Bangladesh-Canada Association, Windsor-Essex International Mother Language Plaza Fund

Beautiful Words Literacy Endowment Fund

BERL Endowment Fund

Big Brothers Big Sisters Endowment Fund

C.M. (Bus) Lossing Greater Windsor Junior Sports Fund

Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor-Essex County Branch Fund

Canadian Slovak Villa Fund

Cancer Research Collaboration Fund

Chad Ranni Memorial Fund

Charlene Allin & Dennis Rivard Encouragement Fund

Class Action Community Fund

Constable John Atkinson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Dorothy & Sydney Lawton Fund

Drs. Lillian & George Mok Fund

Elaine & Harvey Snaden Endowment Fund

E.S. Acheson Graduates Giving Back Scholarship Program Fund

Essex County Nature Managed Fund

Essex Region Conservation Foundation Managed Fund

Facca Endowment Fund

Fr. Matt Sheedy Scholarship Fund

Freed-Orman Families Fund

Friends Of Athletics Fund

Friends Of Ojibway Prairie Managed Fund

Gale & Irene (Knister) Taylor Scholarship Fund

Girard Riberdy Fund

Great Canadian Flag Project Fund

GSC Community Impact Fund

H.C. Endowment Fund

Harding Electric/ Morris & Ruth Harding Memorial Fund

Hitchcock Family Foundation Fund

Hocktoberfest Legacy Scholarship Fund

Honey Family Foundation Fund

Inspiration 100™ Endowment Fund

James L. Scorgie Leadership Fund

Joan & Clifford Hatch Fund

Joe & Hazel Lacey Memorial Fund

Joel W. Jones Family Scholarship Endowment Fund

Kiwanis Music Festival Fund

Kolody Family Memorial Scholarship Fund

Larry Welsh Educational Scholarship Fund

LaSalle Community Fund

Michael G. Solcz Community Benefit Fund

Michael G. Solcz Endowment Fund
People First Of Ontario Fund

Place For Life Fund

Rotary Club Of Windsor (1918) Centennial Scholarship Fund

Sandra Beatty Endowment Fund

Sandra Manzig Fund

Sharon & Gary Kelly Scholarship Fund

Shawn Boxe Memorial Scholarship Fund

Sheila Blair-Mosley Foundation Fund

Solcz Group Inc. Community Fund For Children

Sunshine Point Camp Fund

The Jack Miner Migratory Bird Foundation Managed Fund

Toldo Foundation Arts Fund

Toldo Foundation Arts Matching Fund

Vitality Fund

Vollmer Fund

Waterfront Development Fund

Windsor Family Credit Union Fund

Windsor Classic Chorale Managed Fund

WindsorEssex Nature Fund

Windsor Public Library Foundation Fund

Windsor Symphony Society Managed Fund

Windsor Symphony Society Matching Fund

WECF Community Fund

Youth Endowment Fund

Youth Sports Support Fund



There are many ways you can donate to the Community Foundation

Making a gift to the WindsorEssex Community Foundation is a gift that keeps on giving! We provide several donation methods to support the causes you care about most. We provide personalized service, making your giving flexible and easy. Charitable tax receipts are provided for donations $20 or over. General, in memoriam, and in honour donations can be made with either a one time payment, or by providing ongoing support through a monthly gift.

Our charitable registration number is 890653595 RR0001

Donations by cheque can be forwarded to or dropped off at the WECF office located at 3200 Deziel drive, Suite 511 Windsor, on N8W 5K8. If you plan to drop off a donation, please call in advance: 519-255-6572. Please make all cheques payable to the WindsorEssex Community Foundation. As a reminder, we can only provide tax receipts to the issuer of the cheque.

Credit card donation are accepted over the phone. Please call 519-255-6572 and we will be happy to assist you. If you call outside of the hours 8:30am to 4:30pm, please leave your name, telephone number, date, and time of call and we will contact you the next business day.

We also accept donations online through Donating online provides a quick and simple way to provide gifts to your charity of choice immediately. One of the benefits of donating online through this platform is that you receive a tax receipt immediately after your donation is made. Click here to make a donation.

Donate Now

You can donate a specific amount, appreciated securities, the proceeds of life insurance or an RRSP/RRIF, a percentage of your estate or your estate in its entirety- gaining tax benefits and establishing your legacy in our community.